The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2046753
Posted By: JohnInKansas
09-May-07 - 02:10 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?
Lots of "chat" websites allow you to block individuals, so that you just don't see their posts. In less genteel web societies it can be of some use, although it sometimes makes the threads a little confusing to read when someone replies to a post that "isn't there" for you. Most sites that allow blocking simply omit the entire post of someone on your block list, although some will show that a post occured and only delete the text of the post.

Mudcat has not offered that option - unless they snuck it in and didn't tell me.

I have found it convenient to place one or two people here (not necessarily currently active ones) in the category of "I WILL NOT READ" anything they post, and usually will ignore any thread in which they're active. It's just a waste of my time to even look.

There are also a couple whose comments I might read, or sometimes ignore, depending on whether their medications appear to be working. Generally, I avoid any reply that acknowledges their presence, unless their meds are working really well in a particular thread.

I'm not obligated to reply to anyone here, and it's my own choice when I do. I'm also not obligated to be offended by anyone who's not interesting to me, as long as others are willing to talk to them; and I certainly am not under any constraint that requires me to change the mind of anyone too stupid to see that I'm always right.
