The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2046883
Posted By: Bobert
09-May-07 - 07:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?

Hey, folks, it is I, the very dangeruos terrorist Mudcatter who mg wants filtered so she won't ***have*** to read what I am saying on the "poverty" thread... LIke who the heck is holding a gun to her head making her read my posts anyway...

Reminds me of the lady who called the police saying that every morning her neighbor's husband was exposing himself to here... So the cop went over the next morning and she pointed out the window and the man could be seen shaving and the cop said, "Sorry, lady, but all I can see is a man shaving" to which the lady replied...

... "but if you'll just stnd up on this step ladder....

Nevermind, it's an old joke...

But what isn't a joke is that mg thinks it's perfectly okay to fire away with ***her*** opinions of poverty but doesn't give a rip about ***my*** opinions... Well, like folks said, mg: Don't read my stuff if you don't want to... Ain't no cop holding you down makin' you read it...

You are being very childish here... I ain't no filth-mouthed Martine Gibson 'n I ain't no stalker... I'm just a guy with way too much experience in the field of poverty to be preached to by someone who just wants to have a conversation with people who agree with her...

That kinda insulation/isolation is the kinda behavior that got our country into Iraqmire...

Bobert (not the boogieman)