The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101144   Message #2046917
Posted By: GUEST,anonymous for my own safety
09-May-07 - 08:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Justice For England, English protest songs
Subject: RE: Justice For England, English protest songs
My goodness, do you not have moderators on this site?

I admit to being something of an ingenue when it comes to forums, chatrooms and the like, but never before have I seen such vitriol displayed alongside such thoughtfulness.

So far I only belong to one other forum, which is concerned with a TV programme. Normally, I would advertise it because it's a great site, but there are people on this thread I hope never to meet again and I don't want it ruined. My point is that on that other site are a number of moderators who (a) publicly warn flamers and ban them if they do not heed warnings, and (b) move posts and whole threads to more relevant places when appropriate. The result is a consistently high level of friendliness and intelligent comment, and a feeling of community.

I only discovered this site yesterday, while googling the Sweeps Festival, and I haven't yet managed to understand the structure of it, but if anyone can explain to me what below-the-line means in this context I would be grateful.

Thank you