The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2047055
Posted By: Bill D
09-May-07 - 11:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?
If you want YOUR opinions to have any relevance, they have to be seen and evaluated in relation to thoughtful people who have opinions which differ from yours; otherwise all you are doing is preaching.

If someone 'seems' to be twisting your arguments, there are two possibilities: either your arguments are shaky and need to be polished and re-thought, or you have encountered someone whose ideas need to combated and shown as erroneous. In either case it will do little good to pretend that someone who disputes you is not there.....except to relieve you of the stress of countering them.

If you REALLY feel that it is hopeless to explain & refine your points in the face of ignorance and intransigence, your only recourse is to leave the argument. I have done that a couple of times when I felt I had said all I could and my 'opponent' was not listening of getting the point.

I'm sorry, but filtering simply leaves strange holes in the flow. It is used in 'live' chat rooms for a couple of good reasons, but serves little purpose here.