The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2047196
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-May-07 - 03:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?
Here's another example of what I'm saying, mg. I detest commercial radio and television. I vitriolically detest it! Accordingly, I never listen to it by choice. It bugs the hell out of me, partly because of the the ceaseless advertising, partly because of the rest of the content, most of which is now what I want to hear.

My solution is not to turn it on in my house or in my car. End of story. However, when I am downtown in a store or a restaurant or on the street I may be subjected to the very radio stations I do not want to hear, blathering at me from some set of speakers.

How do I filter them out THEN????? Simple. I don't. I live with it. I have to suffer the hard, cold fact that I, glorious and important I, do NOT control the rest of the world, do not control other people, and life (as I see it) will never be perfect.

Life will never be perfect on this forum either. Not for you. Note for me. Matter of fact, it's so far from perfect on this forum that I think someone could probably write a really lengthy rant about it...but that would not change it.

That's life. No amount of complaining will ever make it...or other people...conform to your every desire, and if there is no software routine here that allows you to filter Bobert out of your world of perception you are just going to have to live with it, aren't you?