The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2047225
Posted By: Wolfgang
09-May-07 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?
And of course we also need conditional filters that can be set to all kinds of preferences:

Wolfgang please to be filtered out in UFO threads (Little Hawk)
Little Hawk please to be filtered out each time he mentions the word Shatner in any post (Wolfgang)
John of Hull filtered out after 11 pm Hull time (....)
Joe Offer filtered out when posting in brown (former Mudcatter)
Dianavan, Dickey, Teribus and Ron Davies to be filtered out in all threads from that moment on when 25 successive posts by these four have appeared without any other Mudcatter posting in between.

And one new feature of talk might appear: When we were very young we were screaming our truths in top voice to the opponent while at the same time cupping our ears with both hands so we didn't need to listen. Fun if both parts do that at the same time. So we might read:

I'm sure A has written his usual bullshit as he always does in these threads. I have filtered him out but to all others who still read the words of this knownothing...
(some posts later)
I presume B has already posted her warning not to read my posts that I luckily don't have to endure any longer. B is utterly wrong....

And we need a (s)hit parade: "Last month G was filtered by 13.4 % of all Mudcatters and by 67,2% of the 50 most frequent posters increasing his advantage on the runner up by another 5 %" "P is the new leader in filter use excluding the posts of 98,8 % of all Mudcatters"

Wolfgang (still wondering why anyone could wish not to see Bobert's posts)