The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2047271
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-May-07 - 04:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?
Ho! Ho! I love your ideas, Wolfgang. ;-) Yes, what we clearly need here (not!) is a vast number of personally tailored filters along the very lines you describe. I would feel a glow of real pride and satisfaction to know that I was among the list of those being filtered out here by various people who don't like me for the bad things I do, like...expressing a difference of opinion about something...mentioning the word "Shatner" in any context...believing I have a soul...and other awful stuff like that.

Such people as me deserve to be filtered out! They are consummate wretches, devoid of any redeeming features.

I would hope to be at least among the top 10 or 15 on the (s)hit parade you mention in any given month. I can see it now...

"Last month Little Hawk was filtered by 11.2 % of all Mudcatters and by 7.9 % of the 50 most frequent posters increasing his advantage by another 1/2%. He still trails far behind (s)hit parade grand champion Garton Mibson, however, who has now succeeded in being filtered out by 98.8 % of all Mudcatters."

"I guess I'm not as rotten a bastard as I thought I was," said the Hawk, when interviewed. "That's a little disappointing, but I have to remind myself that the competition is pretty fierce out there. I've done rather well to reach 11.2%."