The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101479   Message #2047502
Posted By: Bobert
09-May-07 - 09:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: How do you filter someone?
Subject: RE: BS: How do you filter someone?
No, heric, unfortunately mg **did** say "one thing about (filtering) Bobert" 'cept it was on the "Poverty" thread...

But, hey, I don't give a rats arse... If I need to be filtered then filter me... Maybe then everyone would get that cool and frsh Bobert rather than the harsh, and bad fir yer health, one...

Might of fact, maybe the filtered BObert could be marketed in health food stores all over the world an' we could set up a big ol' holding company and disperse the profits to all Mudcatters and we'd all be independently wealthy beyond our wildest dreams and liove lives like movie stars and, and...

we'd owe it all to mg fir...

...filterin' me...

Filter me
When you are lonely
Filter me
When you feel blue
Oh, filter me
When yer dog poops on the carpet
Yeah, filter me
Ya' got nuthin' to loose...

Oh, I feel a blues song a comin'...

Gotta get out my geetar and get workin' on it... Gotta get everyone here filthy rich... Gotta get 'um all up in the upper 1%... Gotta get to work...

Whew!!! Big task... Hope you all is ready to be....!!!!

Bobert (Filtered 'n Improved)