The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #2048538
Posted By: Ron Davies
10-May-07 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Congratulations, Dickey you've finally figured out what a reliable source is--Reuters definitely fits. Now if you can restrict yourself to Reuters, UPI, AP--sorry--your favorite right-wing blogs don't fit. And I'm afraid I can't trust you to cite the Wall St Journal--you'd have to know the difference between editorials and reporting--something which seems to be beyond the ken of Bushites.

Of course the article you cite--another of your patented Pollyanna reports--sounds just wonderful.

Except that it's a long road to stability in Iraq--and for every one of your pieces of happy happy news, I could cite a pile of articles on the other side.

And patience, including on the part of Republican senators and Congressmen, is running out.

It must make you happy to see your own postings--since I'm afraid your contributions do nothing else. You convince nobody.

To return to Iraq--particularly of interest, as I've said before, will be whether "Kurdistan" is willing to share its oil income with the rest of "Iraq". And if not, what will stop the Shiites from pushing for a similar arrangement in the south of "Iraq"?