The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19817   Message #204910
Posted By: GUEST, Another conscience....
01-Apr-00 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: compassion or honesty
Subject: RE: BS: compassion or honesty
What makes you think I have no guts Lej?
What difference does it make if my name is Fred Boggs, or Joe Soap or Paul Brady, or Mark Knopfler? Or anyone else for that matter?

What makes you think, given the present state of things here, that I actually want to tell you who I am?

Where do you get off in your arrogance?

People who know me, know me. I don't come here to laud or be lauded.
Another thing that makes this place special is that Joe Soap and Paul Brady could potentially get together here. Membership of this forum is voluntary, which, in the greatest spirit of freedom, also protects your right to privacy.

My world does not center around the things that your's does, Lej, and to be honest, 'Lonesome EJ' gives me no more idea as to your identity as 'Another conscience....' would do as to mine. If not, why not be like Rick Fielding or Mark Cohen (names only used as examples), and not have any cards left not shown. You do what you want, of course. That is also your right.

Politeness does not come with membership, and a 'proper' handle. There is nothing any more cowardly about my contributions because I dont sign as 'Filbert Bogsworthy' or something, but rather as 'Another...'. This is cyberspace Lej. Wake up! I'm not your next door neighbor. Our lives may never entwine.

It's not real.

Like I mean during those healing threads, I was waiting for some virtual doorbell to ring while some virtual delivery boy brought a virtual pizza. And a gluten-free one at that!

All very good case history material for sociologists and shrinks, but as a friend of mine told me at Christmas: "It's a nice wee place, but there's a crowd of wasters hanging around the door."

All I want is for this place to stop becoming the Soap opera that it has been in danger of turning into.

We are many, I'm sorry to burst your little cyber bubble, but I know for a fact that I am not _gargoyle, TTCM, or others who I do recognize. That is another example of sand head-burying in this place. I don't think you understand the amount of dissatisfaction there is among the WIDER musical community who frequent this place from time to time.

I have guts Lej. I have done what I have done over a long number of years. And I have succeeded. And I don't think that I have to look to you for acceptance here. So don't judge me. You don't have that right.

My criticism, however, about how the state this forum finds itself from time to time, is a valid one, and is just as valid had a member with a 'proper handle' made it.

It is a sad fact about the world today that when someone stands up and says "I protest", he/she is made out to be worse than a criminal. Some of you guys are still lost in a McCarthy timewarp. There'll be more book burning yet!