The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2049882
Posted By: Bobert
12-May-07 - 08:44 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Well, well, well...

300,000 barrels of oil missing a day, Amos??? How could this occur in an Arab country where honesty reigns supreme... Not!!!

This is the problem that Bush (and the US) faces... He doesn't understand the Middle Eastern culture... He should have had to deal with Arabs in a business deal before invading Iraq...

These people don't think like us (US)... I know... I have had business deaslings with Saudis, Kuwaitis and Palestinians and one common denominator in dealing with Widdle Eastern people is that telling a good lie to gain an advantage in a business deal is not only standard-operating-procedure but a time honored skill... Even after the ink has dried these folks will crizzle and wiezel during the entire length of the deal...

This is what concerns me about Bush, or anyone else, thinking that the Iraqis are capable of finding a negoitiated settlement between the Sunnis and the Shiites... It isn't in these folks history or culture for that to occur... They are simply not **wired** that way and not capable of pulling this off... The only thing they understand is force...

That is why Saddam was somewhat successful in ruling Iraq...

That is why this thing isn't going to end well... Like I, as well as others, predicted during the mad-dash-to-Iraq when the day is done Iraqis wilkl fight it out among themselves... This is all they understand... The US can stay there for the next 10 years, bankrupt our own governemnt in doing so, but when we do leave the real slugfest will begin that makes what we see now look like a school yard wrestling match...

Do I want that to happen??? Hell, no, I don't... But can nayone stop it??? Probably not... Especially Bush...
