The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19817   Message #205115
Posted By: GUEST, Another conscience....
01-Apr-00 - 12:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: compassion or honesty
Subject: RE: BS: compassion or honesty
My Dearest Rick
Apologies to you and Mark for any embarassment caused, as there was no intention to do so. The 'cards' I spoke of referred only to the fact that you use your real name.

That is fair enough, is your choice, and your right. That, doesn't inherently align you to 'one side or the other', it just merely indicates a willingness to reveal your identity.

I don't expect you to get embroiled in this debate, knowing as I do your preference to discuss more appropriate subject matter. That is fine and honourable.
I think you know, however, that the only time you see such 'handles' as the one above, is when aforementioned nonsensical shite gets beyond the pain threshold.

It is all very well to say ignore the threads that offend you, but unfortunately it happens not only in the BS threads. The manicness all this BS generates spreads into music related threads, and corrupts them. It therefore is impossible to ignore all BS related content, for it rears it's ugly head in the serious stuff.
One minute we are discussing the relative joys, or otherwise, of D'Addario vs Black Diamond, or whatever. The next thing happens is that the children come into play and want to tell you how a possum would tackle the problem.

It's not just the BS; they infect the whole place.