The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101593   Message #2051830
Posted By: John Hardly
14-May-07 - 07:56 PM
Thread Name: Tech: Should Mudcat Be This OLD SCHOOL?
Subject: RE: Tech: Should Mudcat Be This OLD SCHOOL?
"...we may not see eye-to-eye in some things, but as a clone..."

Sometimes a phrase it just TOO delicious NOT to take out of context!

See, if you WERE a clone, then you could ABSOLUTELY see eye to eye with me. ...well, if you were MY clone, anyway.

Otherwise, to see eye to eye, you would either have to become 6'3"...

OR (and this would be even cooler)... could have those eyes that rise up on stems above your head like a space alien's. Or, I suppose, if you had removable eyes and could hold them up overhead... many possibilties and so few probablities.