The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101008 Message #2053519
Posted By: greg stephens
16-May-07 - 09:58 AM
Thread Name: Hank Wedel and Ray Barron at Swinton
Subject: RE: Hank Wedel and Ray Barron at Swinton
The Eagle has Landed. Or possibly the Turtle has Swum Ashore. Or, to put it another way, the lads left Cork this morning, crossed from Rosslare to Pembroke and are even now probably approaching the Severn Bridge. They are doing an unscheduled gig tonight in a secret location (not unadjacent to the middle of Penkhull), commencing a short tour tomorrow and arriving in the very legendary Swinton Folk Club on Friday night. Be there, or you'll be somewhere else.