The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101720 Message #2053894
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-May-07 - 04:57 PM
Thread Name: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
Subject: RE: BS: Rufus W. - So Tired of America
People from third world countries are also selling their kidneys to stand a chance of being smuggled into Canada, the UK, Germany, Holland, France, Denmark.....anywhere where the standard of living is way better than in their country and it's a safer place to raise their children.
The USA is not alone in that respect, weelittledrummer, so there is no reason to get defensive about people criticizing American foreign policy on the basis that some poor people still want to live in the USA.
They will stop wanting to do so when the USA's poverty levels exceed those in their own country...if that ever happens.