The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #94033   Message #2054067
Posted By: Barry Finn
16-May-07 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: Realizations about Iraq
Subject: RE: BS: Realizations about Iraq
Speaking of Generals
CBS doesn't think much of them even if in their employment (see below from Who who be an idiot to take the job in the first place. 1st you're not gonna win the war, 2nd you will be scapegoated, 3rd your name will end up Mudd, 4th it's all gonna be your fault, no matter what, 5th guess who's gonna be your loser boss, 6th your future's in the shit hole before it's about to begin, 7th the last Black General who became part of this administration got the raw & rear end dealt to him be his own administration, 8th you may in the future open yourself up to a charges of crimes against humanity & war crimes, 9th retirement's a bitch with reporters asking you from here to eternity "how it feels to be a fuck up" & "what do you think that you did wrong", to which you can only reply thtat you toofk the job, & !0th you knew you were an idiot to take the job when you took it & you still took it & you knew it would haunt you for the rest of your life.

Really, now, anyone who takes that job position with that job discription is subject to be analyzed!


Remember when shock-jock Don Imus used racist and misogynistic terms to refer to a women's college basketball team? Well, it took CBS two weeks to fire him for that but it only took them TWO DAYS to fire a respected General from Iraq for speaking out against the president on the war.

CBS shouldn't be censoring or firing people for speaking their mind. I signed a petition urging CBS to re-hire General Batiste -- can you join me at the link below?

There's more information on the firing on that page, too.
