The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97835   Message #2054189
Posted By: Dickey
16-May-07 - 11:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops
Subject: RE: BS: Maliki doesn't want more U.S. troops

If they are so weak and meaningless, why do you feel compelled to disprove them? Why would a superior person like you waste your time?

Anybody with ultimate intelligence like your self must have many meaningful things to do besides trying to dispell things that you consider totally worthless.

Could it be that you are the type of person that must reign supreme?

You must have everyone agree with you or you barrage them with personal insults as some sort of punishment? I heard that that is symptom of insecurity.

Sorry about your delicate bruised ego but:

Iraq a terrorist Disneyland if US goes
Reuters | Wednesday, 15 May 2007

LONDON: A US troop pullout from Iraq would leave the country as a potent launch pad for international terrorism and Washington would be forced to go back in within a couple of years, a leading al Qaeda expert said.

Rohan Gunaratna told a security conference at Lloyd's of London insurance market that Iraq, like Afghanistan in the 1990s, would become a "terrorist Disneyland" where al Qaeda could build up its strength unchallenged.

If US, British and other coalition troops withdrew from Iraq in the next year, he said, "certainly the scale of attacks that would be mounted inside Iraq, and using Iraq as a launching pad to strike other Western countries – countries in Europe, North America – would become such that after two or three years, the US forces will have to go back to Iraq"...