The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101474   Message #2054422
Posted By: Surreysinger
17-May-07 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Subject: RE: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Have to say soldier boy that I had never heard about Shepley Festival before, and the postings so far have made it sound like a rather sociable and friendly fun event, which I may very well be looking at going to next year if there is one.... there's always more to a good festival than just the music !! Good company ... and even good food... can make all the difference. There's been mention of various events and guests amongst the other postings - enough to whet the appetite (and I'm not talking about food there!).... too much earnestness can be a bit of a downer and offputting. And anyway, a link to the official festival website was given at the start of the thread !