The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101474   Message #2054447
Posted By: Folkiedave
17-May-07 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Subject: RE: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
As well as what looks like being some fantastic food and drink supplied by those attending and a champagne ceilidh I think Soldier Boy is right, we need to look at events that are taking place.

Some great workshops including song collecting by Steve Gardham; guitar tuning by Damien O'Kane; a fiddle masterclass with Robin Garside if I remember to pick him up Sunday morning; (Robin is another master vegetarian trencherman and will be sad to miss some of the goodies likely to be on offer); and there are rapper and cotswold workshops with Sallyport and Hexham Morris. There's even highland dancing, a long time since I have seen that at a festival.


There are two folk trains Friday night - four on Saturday - and four more Sunday. I have done these in the past and they are great fun with mad dancing as the train sways from side to side. And people using their mobiles saying interesting things like "Hello, it's me, I am on the train".


A number of the artists due to appear have been working with local schools during the week leading up to the festival their results will be seen in the Schools Showcase Concert Saturday lunchtime. Well done organisers to involve local children like that.

Loads of children's activities including my personal favourite Jan's Blackboard Van.

I have only just realised the sword fighting by the Royal Armouries Leeds is for kids - dammit.

There is even a cricket match - how traditional can you get? Aside, years ago we had a Yorkshire v. Lancashire cricket match at Whitby Festival and Yorkshire craftily put Lancashire in with an incoming tide. By the time Yorkshire came to bat the boundary was lapping around their ankles. There is an old Yorkshire saying - "If a game is worth playing, it is worth cheating at".

Bit I digress.

The Farmer's Boy and Black Bull in Shepley Village are playing hosts to the Morris teams and are welcoming musicians of all kinds - even drummers.

All of this and much much more. Some cracking artists, including many young up and coming artists so if you have not seen Ruth Notman before now is your chance; some exciting experiments like Parallelogram, some old favourites such as Waterson;Carthy (anyone who saw ELiza'a outstanding performance at the Albert Hall last weekend will want to see her again); Devil's Interval - looking forward to them; the list goes on and on and on.

And if you wish to examine it in greater detail click here

But then you always could do that.........

Now let's get back to the matters in hand - have you noticed there is a specialist nuts and olives stall!!!!!!!!!