The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19895   Message #205473
Posted By: Ferrara
01-Apr-00 - 11:47 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Osteria Numero Mille (Italian pub song)
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Osteria numero mille -Italian pub so
Ciao, Fedele. I don't get to spend much time here on Mudcat, so haven't met you before. These three songs seem as if they might be three different verses or stanzas of the same song.

Is there someplace we can go to learn the tunes? Do they all have the same tune?

When I read the words "Dammela a me biondina," I thought they would be translated as "Give it to me, little fair maid," that is, "Give me some sex, little fair maid." Could this be a better translation?

Most of the Italian songs I know are songs I learned from my father. Of course he never taught me any songs like this!

Where are you from? (As I said, I haven't met up with you before.)

Welcome to Mudcat.

- Rita Ferrara