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Thread #82028   Message #2055082
Posted By: Amos
17-May-07 - 09:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
From the well-known Wonkette blog,commenting on current turmoil at the even better known Free Republic (Freep) blog:

Members of Free Republic, the beloved wingnut online forum, have a message today for George W. Bush and his great new immigration plan for The Mexicans. They've got lots of messages, actually.

"We need to have a vote of 'no confidence' on Bush," wrote one commenter. "He just spoke and looked so proud of himself. He couldn't wipe that crappy grin off his face."

After the jump, we'll hear from some of the other hundreds of furious "freepers" who just figured out George W. Bush could give a shit what they think.:


We still have Tancredo, Hunter and Fred Thompson on our side. This bill wont go anywhere when our representatives start receiving our faxes

The rule of law has just been thrown out the window. I agree that impeachment is in order.
And the SELL OUT of the AMERICAN people begins!

Bring my Step-Son home from Iraq now El Presedente. You don't deserve his service.

Bush blasphemy! Shameful leader!

I'm done with him on this and many other issues. I'll never vote for him again. Illegal invaders are going to kill us all.

"BUSH SUCKS" And the leftists blogs are now PROUD of this fool! What a dichotomy.

I just said the same thing to my husband - my nephew has been ordered back for the second time after being home for only 10 months. I want them home now, why fight and die for this country of Mexico.
I just can't believe I worked so hard to get this man elected not once but twice. NEVER AGAIN - no more money and no more volunteer hours for the grand ole GOP

His brother Bill was the first black president, now we have the first Hispanic president.

The conservative movement has now been set adrift….like so much jetsam. Our champion has become our betrayer, IMHO.

My husband just recently retired and we where planning on going back to Texas but we are now seriously considering Australia. It looks better and better each minute. Our kids want to leave also !!! And you are right, we have been betrayed.

An thus the united States of America is being sold out by those that claim to love her. May they rot before they die. I see the end of my great nation, the shining star in a morass of mediocre to outright scum countries.

This is what happens when you kill 40 million unborn US citizens.

I pray he gets IMPEACHED. This is a dark day in America.

I have long thought that BJBilly was the worst president in history, now I am not so sure………..At least Clinton stuck to BJs instead of trying to f*ck the entire country, like Jorge.

Apparently the basis of all this rancour is a recent development in the immigration law dialogue:

"Senate, White House agree on a compromise immigration bill
By Dave Montgomery

McClatchy Newspapers


WASHINGTON - Ending three months of closed-door deliberations, Senate negotiators unveiled a massive immigration bill Thursday that would enable more than 12 million illegal immigrants to step out from their shadow existence to live and work in the United States legally.

The bipartisan bill, which includes a temporary guest-worker program and an employee verification system that ultimately would affect all employers and U.S. workers, now heads toward an uncertain outcome in the Senate, which is scheduled to begin debate on the measure late Monday afternoon.

"I don't care how you to try to spin it, this is amnesty," said Sen. Jim DeMint, R-S.C., echoing the central opposition theme that began befalling the bill even before it was officially released."