The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82028   Message #2055550
Posted By: Donuel
18-May-07 - 11:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Subject: RE: BS: Popular views of the Bush Administration
Bush as lord and president is wavering.
Like the disappearing support of Ted Haggert, George will be forgotten by many Chritians who thought they were in holy hands but now walk away mumbling they hate the sin but love the sinner.

Yet I suspect there are plans for an evangelical inquisition to avenge the suffering of George W Bush at the hands of non believers.
People of faith will root out those who tried to destroy George.

Yes an army of God will begin to target individuals with far more firepower than slander.

Sometimes I muse that Islam is undergoing their version of the Catholic Inqusition. It is horrid to remember that the Christian Inquisition lasted about 400 years. It is even more revolting to realize that an Islamic Inquisition now includes nuclear weapons.

I do not intend that the Catholic Inquistiion tortured and killed only Jews. The Inquisition morphed to include the murder of Lutherans and the growing protestants that railed against the Holy Roman Christian Church. The Holy Inquision did their wrok hand in hand with the authoirty of the State. It was a religious state with royal kings and queens who did whatever evil the church decreed but on paper the ruling family was a secular power.

Every religion creates an offshoot with a new twist that grows out of an existing religion. Usually the mother religion is villified by the new offshoot. Today the Protestants are beng absorbed by the evangelicals...just as christians grew out of Judaism.

The media and politicaly driven evangelicals as created by Jerry Falwell, and even earlier Billy Graham, differ with fundamentalists who want to recede from the corrupt media worldliness.

I am seeing how certain evangelicals are just a cunt hair away from becoming an organized violent army ready to kill for their gospel of hate.
Instead of Jews as their target it will be homosexuals, but when Jews object they too will become evangelical targets. They will not call their acts terrorism a holy war like Muslims use the word jihad, but rather a new rightiously clean term will be invented. Right now they are using "God's Soldiers" for the kids who go to Jesus Camp.