The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #92997   Message #2055960
Posted By: Bobert
18-May-07 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Plame Sues Cheney/Rove!
Subject: RE: BS: Plame Sues Cheney/Rove!
OKay.... I read the article in The Post, Kat.... Well, I didn't deep read but skimmed an say where the judge had said something along the lines of "I don't buy either sides argument"... That, to me, bodes poorly for Val Plame and not the Bushites...

I mean, even Bush himself once said that the leaker should be punished and now it looks, to me that is, as if this judge is going to hold ther plaintiff's feet to the fire more than the crooks...

I hope I'm wrong but this upcoming decision smacks of dirty politics and when it comes to Karl Rove, who has yet had to ever be held accountablr for his fair share of lies and dirt, I fear he will again escape...

Like I said, I hope I'm wrong...
