The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101720   Message #2056273
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
19-May-07 - 06:02 AM
Thread Name: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
Subject: RE: BS: Rufus W. - So Tired of America
I'm not American. I'm English.

However I'm uneasy about the mixture of ennui and cynicism in the song.

I get pissed off with people saying we are a secular society - devoid of spiritual values, just because most of us don't subscribe to simplistic religious dogmas.

If youre tired of what you're country has become - then try to change it. To do otherwise is selling short all the people who came before you and tried to change things.

And its saying to all one party and theocratic shithole countries round the world - you're right, there is nothing worth trying for. And worse still. its saying to the unfortunates who live under such subject rule - America and all it stands for, isn't there for you. Its just the same old, same old.....wherever you live.