The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101780   Message #2056468
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
19-May-07 - 12:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush & Democrats to legalize criminals
Subject: RE: BS: Bush & Democrats to legalize criminals
A direct impact of unfettered illegal immigration in the US:

Most illegals are working "off the grid", and don't have health insurance or the funds to pay for medical treatment. Hospitals in the United States are compelled to treat, at no charge if necessary, anyone who enters their emergency rooms. Because of this fact, E rooms in most large hospitals in major cities are clogged with illegal aliens seeking treatment for everything from the flu, to minor cuts and sprains. Emergency rooms are often treated as Doctor's offices would normally be, for repeat treatments and visits.

The impact has several facets. For one, Emergency Rooms are so crowded that standard procedure for someone who is in need of actual emergency assistance is to take a number and get in the back of the line. In addition, between the stress of handling actual emergencies and dealing with scores of routine minor ailments, the E room is becoming an area that many Doctors avoid at all costs, an unfortunate situation since E rooms provide a vital contribution to a Doctor's decision-making and triage skills. But perhaps the biggest negative is the cash drain on hospitals. Many have eliminated Emergency Room service because of the funds hemorrhage that happens there. And the ones that continue Emergency Services must cover this cash loss by jacking up fees in other areas, resulting in sky-high medical costs, out of control health-insurance premiums, and so on.

Illegal immigration is not the sole factor in the escalating crisis in our hospitals here, but it is a major one, and anyone who thinks the presence of 20 million mostly uninsured illegals in this country is only resented by ignorant rednecks, needs to delve deeper into the issue.