The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101781   Message #2056611
Posted By: Joe Offer
19-May-07 - 04:19 PM
Thread Name: 2007 Florida Folk Festival Cancelled by fire
Subject: RE: 2007 Florida Folk Festival Cancelled by fire
The first fire was centered in the Okefenokee Swamp, a huge area in southeastern Georgia, just above the Florida state line and I'd say about ten miles inland from the Atlantic. The Swamp is the source of the Suwanee River, which flows through Stephen C. Foster State Park in Florida and on to the Gulf of Mexico. I'd guess the park is thirty or forty miles downstream from the swamp. This is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen in my life. The vegetation is lush, alive with birds and alligators and lord knows what else. The waters of the swamp and river are jet black, colored by the tannin from oak trees that grow in the water - but that black water is supposedly very pure.

The even bigger Bugaboo Scrub Fire is burning near the Stephen C. Foster park. The festival has been held in the park for many years.

I wonder how much will be left of the stunning natural beauty of this area. I suppose there will be a lot. Here in the Northern California Sierra Foothills, we have huge fires along the American River Canyon every summer, and yet most of the area remains lush and beautiful. The fire areas are depressingly ugly for a good ten years, though. We've lost some favorite wildflower hiking spots to fire, and it's always sad.
