The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8686   Message #2057280
Posted By: Jim Lad
20-May-07 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: What does blow the man down mean?
Subject: RE: What does blow the man down mean?
Tootler: We are on the Internet. I can't give you documented evidence of anything, on this medium. No-one can.
I have proof of my birth date, a driver's license, passport & all sorts of documents but I can give you none of these, here.
Furthermore, when dealing with Folk, Tradition & Ancient History, documentation, very often just does not exist.
I once posted the Origins of the tune to "The Dawning of the Day" as being Pre-Roman to which someone replied "I don't believe you. Do you have proof?" to which I replied "Sure! I also have the original 3 nails from the cross". I'm paraphrasing. It was a thoughtless response which to me, indicated an unwillingness to learn.
My source for that information is a good friend, a PHD, a University Prof. and a former Mudcatter who spends countless hours researching such things and gave me the answer, off the top of his head, using three languages.
And the answer he gave me was brushed aside with a "Where's the documentation?" from some eejit who probably hasn't opened a book in thirty years.
That was the very reason this fellow had given me for leaving Mudcat.
Take a look at the most recent "She Moved Through the Fair" thread for a similar example.

Now, if you go back up the page a little, you will see that I have done a fairly honest job of entertaining your theory with "Kill Paddy Doyle" Too good a job. I almost find it credible. Almost.

I have found several references, on the Internet which all give the same meaning to "Blow the Man Down" and they are all remarkably similar in their structure. Looks to me like one has copied from the other.
"Blow" as a noun and as a verb mean two different things and they are not interchangeable.
The same goes for "Bow" which has even more meanings. There are other examples but you get my drift.

I say that the "Kill the Man" interpretation makes no sense and ask that you give some thought to that rather than just trying to win a debate.