The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101795   Message #2057387
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
21-May-07 - 01:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Your Career, Dead
Subject: RE: BS: Your Career, Dead
Well, Guest JTS, Disney isn't the only one glorifying pirates and piracy. Johnny Depp anyone? Errol Flynn? Lionel Barrymore? Dustin Hoffman? The list is endless. It's unfair to single out Disney when our whole society is in what amounts to a Pirate Frenzy. And to those who think it won't have an impact? Sheer naivete.
Pirates were noted for their colorful tattoos and where do we see them? On the arms and torsoes of our teenagers. Pirates frequently sported such cosmetic hardware as earrings, noserings, etc. And what do we see sparkling on the nostrils and lobes of our young people? You tell me. The colorful bandanas? The skull'n bones image? Need I really say more? Eyepatches and matches-in-the-hair? No, not yet, but can they be far behind?
Piracy for too long has been depicted as all high adventure and good sport, seven league boots, buried treasure, bottle of rum and all the sort of things the left-wing media likes to ballyhoo as the joys of buccaneerism. Well, me hearty, let me tell you it's a different story when you're caught red-handed in your scalliwaggery and forced to pay the piper! These modern day Blackbeards had best wise up before, as they used to say, they're forced to "dance a ditty on the Devil's Deck". Confoundment to the pirates and those who glorify them, so says I.