The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101720   Message #2057473
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
21-May-07 - 05:31 AM
Thread Name: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
Subject: RE: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
'But they were degenerate enough to let themselves be ruled by a morally corrupt right-wing religious troop of neocon warmongers who lied to their own people and made sure American multinationals profited from the ensuing bloodbath though, weren't they?'

You're missing the point. most of the world is singing a song of disillusionment with American values and materialism. And the ones singing loudest are further to the right and more illiberal than anything America has to offer.

The countries shouting and singing this message the loudest are places where RW's lifestyle and sexuality would be a criminal offence. It does rather place him in the moral position of a turkey going round with the carol singers.