The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16090   Message #2057513
Posted By: Susan of DT
21-May-07 - 07:10 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Tarrytown / Wild Goose Grasses (Allison)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Tarrytown/Butcher Boy/Searching
A belated note on searching for numbered songs. We carefully reserved the # sign to be used only in song numbers, so #320 would only get you those songs. However, the online search, which lacks several features of the more complete searches in the DOS and Windows versions, does not distinguish between 320 and #320, which is why it is picking up several Burns 320 songs.

Solution: search for DT #320, rather than #320 or 320. Numbers 305 and lower would be Child #xxx rather than DT #xxx.

The other major problem with the online search is that you cannot successfully search for phrases that include "small words" like the, a, and, etc. since the particular online search does not track such small words.