The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101720 Message #2057572
Posted By: Big Mick
21-May-07 - 08:41 AM
Thread Name: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
Subject: RE: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
But there is relevance in the disappointment felt by many around the world at the wasting of the dream that is America. In my opinion, this will be GWB's legacy, and it won't be kind. America has always occupied a certain position in the world. We have made many mistakes, and there is much to not like in our way of life, yet we always stood for liberty and democracy. We always were among the first to jump in and assist those in need. After 9/11, the good will of much of the world was in our corner. There was a chance to exercise our leadership, and our moral position, and to effect a change for the better for all of us. That was all squandered by this President, and his legacy will be one of shame.
While I tire of gratuitous attacks on my country, I certainly empathize with those that are disappointed with the course it has taken in the last 7 years. I would only say to you that as fast as it strayed down this path, it can also correct itself. There are many of us committed to this end.
And why introduce homophobia into this thread? What has it to do with the subject. Bigots.....they are always there.