The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101720   Message #2057632
Posted By: Stu
21-May-07 - 10:05 AM
Thread Name: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
Subject: RE: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
" And the thing that sticks with me most is (as I have said) those poor sods building an image of the Statue of Liberty on Tianaman Square"

What sticks in my craw about this is the way American multinationals are complicit in the suppression of free speech in China for purely commercial reasons.

Go to and type in 'tiananmen square' now and see what comes up (one dissident website at the time of writing - see how long that stays up). Now do the same at - see the difference? That's an American corporation suppressing the information at the request of an oppressive, violent foreign government that has invaded sovereign nations and tortures and executes it's own people. The same is happening with the new mySpace pages in China (a report was in The Observer yestersay).

American consumerism driving oppression and killing free speech for a suffering people.

Rufus states in his song "I'm gonna see some folks who have already been let down", well Tibet and China is a good a place as any to start.

Shit, Wainright has hit the nail on the head!