The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101474   Message #2057733
Posted By: GUEST,Gene Hunt.
21-May-07 - 12:00 PM
Thread Name: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Subject: RE: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
A cautionary note about the thefts: The Police thought there MAY be someone actually turning up with a ticket(probably just for Fri-Sat) who goes to the campsite, hangs around watching who turns up and where and, basically, picking their targets for later. He/she then goes off for an evening at the festival before going 'round their pre-selected victim's tents after they've gone to sleep tired and with a few beers in them later on. As they haven't actually pitched a tent themselves it's easy to sneak away in their vehicle before anyone notices. Distateful that this may seem to consider that there is someone on the folk scene who would actually do this, I would urge everyone to be vigalent, particularly on the Friday evening and during the night. Keep yur eyes open for anyone who may be acting as described above - and keep you money somewhere really safe. One of our crowd was actually awakened by someone rummaging around in their tent...

But it was still a great event.

'evenin' all.