The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101474   Message #2057771
Posted By: The Borchester Echo
21-May-07 - 01:08 PM
Thread Name: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
Subject: RE: Shepley Spring Festival...not long now!!
My grandfather, a North Yorkshire pre-WWI Morris accordian player, put golden syrup on Yorkshire pudding, eating it cold for breakfast, though I'm told my grandmother considered this a bit uncivilised.

My other grandfather, an upright Durham citizen, put condensed milk on it. This is/was a very common practice among miners, not that he was one.

It is imperative to use plain flour and to break the eggs whole into a well in the flour.

And to eat it first before the roast meat course.

If you add chopped onion to the mixture, it is Wilfred Pickles pudding.