The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #58966   Message #2058372
Posted By: GUEST
22-May-07 - 10:44 AM
Thread Name: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
Subject: RE: Help: Suil A Ruin, correct spelling?
It might help people like Joe Offer if he accepts that the Irish language, like most languages, changes over long periods of time, as does the spelling and grammar. So the different spellings of 'siúl' [meaning 'walk' or 'move'] are coming from various texts that were published over a long time. It doesn't mean [or it ought not to mean] that you can take your pick of any of them. The fact that people do sometimes choose older spellings only shows the problems faced by all minority languages in trying to be taken seriously by the monolithic English-speaking world.

Anyone who seriously wishes to obtain the correct up to date spelling and grammar for Irish lyrics can buy a dictionary and grammar book easily and relatively cheaply on the net, but mostly it seems that they would prefer to think that 'near enough is good enough' and if you don't like that you're a pedant. Would Joe Offer accept such standards for an important English-language lyric I wonder?
