The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101780   Message #2058653
Posted By: Riginslinger
22-May-07 - 05:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush & Democrats to legalize criminals
Subject: RE: BS: Bush & Democrats to legalize criminals
"Either prosecute the business people who hire illegals (like the law says) or give them amnesty so that they can fully contribute to American life."

          I agree with the first part of this statement. People who are hiring the illegals are not only taking advantage of them, but perverting the market for business folks who are trying to play a straight game.
          As far as giving them amnesty, I'm afraid of the population explosion that would create, among other things, but I firmly believe that people who work should expect to make a living wage, and the benefits that should go along with working. If the employers had to pay a decent wage and benefits, the incentive to hire illegal aliens would dry up in pretty short order.
          When you got to that point, assuming you could, then I think a guest worker program would make sense.