The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21368   Message #2059139
Posted By: PoppaGator
23-May-07 - 01:02 PM
Thread Name: Mississippi John Hurt
Subject: RE: Mississippi John Hurt
The YouTube stuff is GREAT!

Here's a link to John himself playing the tune, filmed in black and white on a "homey" stage set, sitting around a fake kitchen table with Pete Seeger and a couple of other folks. The camera zooms in on both of hands for at least one chorus each, so it could be quite helpful for learning to play the song:

Once you get to that page, you'll find additional links to many other similar performances by MJH and others, some of them on that same set with Pete and a varying cast of other guests. Most of these film clips (I'm assuming they were shot on film back in the 60s and only recently copied to digital video) include plenty of hands-on-instrument footage; the producers/directors/cameramen knew what the audience wanted!

The footage of "Candyman" is from an afternoon session at the 1965 Newport Folk Festival. (The final few seconds cut away to another performer doing a sound check ~ that's the clue to which festival and which year.) I was part of the audience that day, but can't find my young self in the shots panning the crowd. That particular video is useless for learning to play the song; neither of John's hands are shown even for a second. Just his face and head, and lots of audience-reaction shots.

Watching several of these clips, I realized something I always "knew," but of which I was never fully conscious before: we NEVER see John Hurt without a hat on his head!