The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #11008   Message #205916
Posted By: JamesJim
03-Apr-00 - 01:31 AM
Thread Name: The nationality of music?
Subject: RE: The nationality of music?
Music is born of the people - the "folk." Music is local. It is created by people from their own personal experiences. It therefore is neither International or National. It is "Intra," meaning, "within." Perhaps our experiences are similar, but we must not lose the passion and flavor that comes from within each of us.

Music and Poetry become appreciated the more real they are. We listen and come to love the other person's passion, no matter their nationality. Shambles, I dare say the best music you have written is born of personal experience and not from the words and thoughts of others. We, everyone, want to hear that music, because it tells us more about you. What you see when you look out onto the world. Jim