The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101354 Message #2059160
Posted By: Les in Chorlton
23-May-07 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: Folk in Chorlton, Manchester
Subject: RE: Folk in Chorlton, Manchester
Thanks for coming and singing Dave! The Irish session down stairs was as good as it gets. They play, as I am sure you are aware, every week and have moved from the Marble to the Beech to the Feathers and it looks like the Lloyds.
It's difficult to see what we might do but singers sessions, Ceilidhs, sorry can't spell it, one off concerts, supports for particular issues are all possible.
What ever happens we are keen to involve as many people as possible and to try different things. If nothing else we have to find a small friendly room where we can sing each others choruses and drink decent beer.
Thanks for your support and I will keep you and John and loads of others in touch.