The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19915   Message #205968
Posted By: Magpie
03-Apr-00 - 07:34 AM
Thread Name: BS: What's your important stuff?
Subject: RE: BS: What's your important stuff?
I don't know what visitors would notice. As stated before, different people would see different things.
I see a half-eaten chocolate bar on the bedside table, some not-yet-finished knitting projects, heaps of books all over the shop (not enough space in the bookshelves), umpteen quilts given to me by my mother (no garage), a couple of guitars, a ton of whistles, my son's bicycle, some pieces of furniture made by my father, various toys, stacks of CD's and a wall covered with photos of my son.
From looking at my home, people would either think I am a complete slob (maybe they're not too far off the target), or they would think I'm a busy, easygoing mother with tons of hobbies and interests.
