The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101765   Message #2060219
24-May-07 - 05:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Another war in the Middle East?
Subject: RE: BS: Another war in the Middle East?
I have to laugh at the mention of the Socialist Workers Party because it was actually fouded by a Palestine born Jew called Ygael Gluckstein who later took the name Tony Cliff.

He was born in Palestine in 1917 into a Zionist family but as a young teenager broke with the Zionists when he saw the savage way Palestinian workers were treated by Zionist thugs.He actually had his arm broken by some of these goons when he spoke in defence of Palestinian workers when he was 15. A few years later he had to flee from Palestine after further death threats by the not much has changed then.

Tony Cliff certainly knew about Zionism at first hand...he saw that the road of the early Zionists had set out on would lead to a murderous dead end and for the rest of his long life he was an implacable foe of Zionism and a supporter of a free Palestine and a secular democratic state in Palestine/Israel .

The SWP has many Jewish members and I would recommend the book by John Rose on Zionism which has been a massive critique of the traditional viewof history has set out by the Zionists and their supporters.