The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101889   Message #2061117
Posted By: John on the Sunset Coast
25-May-07 - 09:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: Iraqi hydrocarbon bill
Subject: RE: BS: Iraqi hydrocarbon bill
Actually, dianavan, I doubt that most of us have known for a long time (or even a short) time that this war is about multinationals, except the self-selected few at Mudcat, and some Democrat legislators. Even my son, who is the most articulate lefty I know, doesn't know it or believe it. Maybe that disqualifies his credentials.

Let me see, if we wanted Iraqi oil so badly, then we could have made peace with Saddam, bought the oil at prices that would not disrupt our economy or theirs, and saved thousands of lives in the process.

So it musn't have been the oil; oh yeah, it was the president's desire to avenge his father's defeat in the first Gulf War. Oh, he wasn't defeated; he did what the coalition called for and then pulled our troops...what was the Left thinking!

BTW, there are lots of reasons to not like some of the actions of multinational corporations that have to do with business practices. But deliberately wanting war in the Middle East...ahh no.