The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101720 Message #2061890
Posted By: GUEST
27-May-07 - 01:33 PM
Thread Name: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
Subject: RE: Rufus Wainwright - So Tired of America
There is a vast difference between 'America' the country and "America" the idea. Most of us believe that the idea of America is a good one, you know, the one they wrote about in the Federalist Papers, the one that Lincoln described in the Gettysburg Address, the one 'conceived in Liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.' There is also the America that is a venal moneygrubbing fascist warwongering moron who likes to swing its weight around no matter who gets hurt. There is the SUV driving thoughtless America with its insatiable need for all the world's resouces, stuffing its fat stupid face with American Idols and shoving Jesus in your face while picking your pocket.
I think Rufus is just recognizing that 'America' has a lot to answer for. If we could make the idea of America more in tune with the reality of America then maybe this song wouldn't have its ring of truth.