The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101795   Message #2061971
Posted By: wysiwyg
27-May-07 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Career, Dead
Subject: RE: BS: Your Career, Dead
I guess you missed my statements on that point, again, Ron. See, you have to READ my posts to see what I think, and-- possibly-- even think about them. I don't think in the simplistic terms you choose to use to cast your judgments my way. That's one reason I move in the circles I do, sorry.

But since you refreshed the thread, back to the topic.

Here in our environs, we've been finding lots of examples of the main point of this thread-- how any professional career can be killed (fast and early), by similarly-unthinking behaviors at similar points in one's career-- how to kill your career as a funeral director, doctor, nurse, school administrator, dentist, attorney, etc.

These are practical matters, not matters for my (or Hardi's) personal judging. It's just how the world presently works. To a soul, every single professional we've discussed this with has been readily able to share how underdeveloped boundaries or lowkey ethics mistakes, made by those who are still-in-formation who didn't learn these realities in their development, have killed a career before it started.

Profession by profession, professional folks seem to relate well to the present instance much as I did, with sympathy and a fair degree of surprise at the degree of naivete the "news" has reflected.

We used to have a good number of professionals among us at Mudcat. I guess it got too ugly here for their pleasure, or this might have been a very different thread.
