The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101256   Message #2062293
Posted By: Folkiedave
28-May-07 - 07:16 AM
Thread Name: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
Subject: RE: Collapse of the Folk Clubs
So why not learn new skills in workshops, practice them at home, try them out in a singaround or session, the perform them as a 'floor spot' when ready? Hey, this is what actually happens most of the time!

Precisely what I have been suggesting!!My sole objection is the practising in public.

As for tours-de- force, I was lucky enough to see Mike Waterson the first time he ever sang Tam Lin. At the end the audience sat totally spellbound. No applause, nothing for (what seemed like) about five seconds. A wonderful performance. People can get involved. Thinking of Lal Waterson singing "Stow Brow" can still bring tears to my eyes over forty years later.

Twice in the last week or so I have seen Carthy sing and Eliza play "Two Sisters" (Beaux of London), each time totally stunning.

Powerful performances by powerful singers know no bounds IMHO. A good friend and professional singer always says (when he is compering a show and some particularly talented musician finishes playing) "just think of the amount of practice that went into that".

Think of the amount of practice that went into Mike Waterson singing Tam Lin sufficient to get it that good.

And go and do as near likewise as you can.

BWM as for auditioning each other I will fail the audition - but I will succeed on the drinking bit no problem!!