The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101825   Message #2062697
Posted By: Declan
28-May-07 - 08:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Irish Gaelic Translation
Subject: RE: BS: Irish Gaelic Translation
I'll chance this. No doubt there'll be a Guest to correct any gramatical errors.


Nior mhaith liom duine comh h-áileann a chailliúnt"

This literally translates as I wouldn't like to lose someone so lovely. The gaeilic for track would probably be rian, but I'm not sure that to lose track of would directly translate to an equivalent gaelic colloquialism. No doubt there is one but its not coming to mind at the moment.

An attempted phonetic pronunciation would be


Near woh lum dinne (as in dinner without the r) coe hawlin' a kaw-loo-int.