The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101996   Message #2062908
Posted By: Darowyn
29-May-07 - 03:42 AM
Thread Name: Tech: Mini Disc - 'Puter
Subject: RE: Tech: Mini Disc - 'Puter
Some Sony Minidisks have an optical out, which allows you to transfer digital data with no loss of quality,(assuming you have an optical input to your computer) but the real pain with them is that all transfers are in real time- two hours of recording takes two hours to transfer.
We have gone over to memory card recorders where the data is transferred via USB in seconds.
Minidisk is verging on obsolete now- it's a shame because it is quite user friendly- except for the disk editing! The only people still relying on minidisk are backing track singers.
Try that in a folk club and you'll start a riot!