The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #102000   Message #2062972
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
29-May-07 - 05:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: My tits have multiplied!
Subject: RE: BS: My tits have multiplied!
We have some blue tits and the occasional visiting coal tits. Yet to see a flying teaspoon (long tailed tit) in the garden but I hope to yet. It's the antics of Blackbirds and Robins towards their young that realy puzzles me sometimes though - The kids seem to get thrown out of the nest before they are ready and then get into all sorts of interesting places trying to avoid our mog, Homer. I thought under the wheelie bin was a bad idea but on seeing one down the grid I realised that the bin may hve been the better option! Being followed round the back yard by two young blackies with their beaks open was quite amusing though:-)

It's the sparrow 'mafia' that tickle us though. They don't pay much attention to Homer at all and seem quite happy to feed while he suns himself on the flags. The only thing that seemed to put them out of sorts was a visiting young sparrowhawk sat munching on one of their number while the rest of them sat in the tree shouting at him!

Good luck with your growing tits, Liz.
