The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101449   Message #2063034
Posted By: The PA
29-May-07 - 08:00 AM
Thread Name: May things at the Bull, Barton Pie, Beds
Subject: RE: May things at the Bull, Barton Pie, Beds
Afternoon everybody.

Cathie, yep Uncle Red got a nice blue rosette (first red, second blue, third yellow, fourth green, and so its goes down to 6th) points are awarded ie 7 for 1st, 6 for 2nd, 5 for 3rd etc etc, until September when the person with the most overall points in each class gets a trophy. Its all kept very complicated in order to confuse us, and stop us querying the judges decision.

I scoffed and drank more or less what I wanted when pregnant, had a ceasarian (cant spell) and then bottle fed Tim, so according to the 'experts' he had absolutely no chance of making it past his first 12 months. He's now a strapping 6ft 16 year old who swims, rides, windsurfs, ordinary surfs, sails and plays rugby. All that and a veggie too! Poor kid - he's so neglected!

Glad you enjoyed Chelsea, Ross, have you come back with lots of ideas for your garden.

Pouring and hailstones in Worcestershire, has been since Saturday night!