The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101991   Message #2063387
Posted By: Wolfgang
29-May-07 - 03:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chavez moves against second TV channel
Subject: RE: BS: Chavez moves against second TV chanel
I see the reflexes of the left are still working as ever: The enemy of my enemy just has to be my friend.

With the benefit of these reflexes and with a blind eye to populism as long as it uses loosely phrases of the left they greet one of the worst caudillos Latin America has brought forth. Of course, it is fun to watch as Chavez plays opposition to a really stupid US government. But that should not blind us to the dangers of another authoritarian lider.

I can only shake my head at the bad memories of those who swallow Chavez' reasoning for the closure and regurgitate it here. We have the usual suspects telling us how bad it was that the TV station has supported a coup and that it should be expected that such a TV station may be closed. I nearly cry for pity with Chavez. The government controlled one TV station and 2 radio stations in 1999. Now it controls 4 TV stations and 7 radio stations. But still poor Chavez has to listen to voices of dissent. That may give him ulcers and we surely would not wish for that.

Do you really not remember (or do you prefer not to mention?) that Chavez first appearance in national politics was a failed coup with several people killed? A coup against a president who was for three consecutive terms vice-president of the Socialist International and has received the "Earth Care" award for his efforts in environmental protection? Chavez was pardoned two years after the failed coup but now he can no longer listen to a TV station that once has supported a coup?

Chavez is in the game for power and nothing else. Right now, he uses socialist phrases to rally the poor masses against the elites. Mugabe has led this way. Of course, each Latin American leader always knows that applause can be elicited by attacks against Bush. Bush deserves all these attacks, but that should not blind us to the ugly faces and deeds of some of his critics. Chavez does not deserve any of our support.
